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Location: Washington, United States

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Letter From the Chair

Hi Washington,

I have received many concerns and complaints in the past few weeks about the state of the nation and the state of the state. Bailouts, Presidential politics, and local affairs seem to add to a never ending pileup of complaints.

Trust me, I understand your frustration.

But now is the time for our resolve to be strengthened, not diminished.

In the coming years we will have several partisan offices across the state that will need knowledgeable, intelligent, and well supported campaigns to unseat the entrenched party seats.

So what do we have to offer today that we did not have before? Why would people want to take the time to run for office with te top two forward system in place?

I can name several.

We have an obligation as citizens to do everything we can to improve the government we have here in Washington.

Getting on the ballot, if the top two remains (or RCV comes), means merely putting your name on the ticket.

Once on the ballot, being able to address the public with outreach and the voter pamphlet will allow your dissenting voice to be heard in the arena in which these contests matter.

Running a principled campaign is ALWAYS a great idea and the Washington State Libertarian party is working on ways to improve the support you get from the members and volunteers.

So please, next time there is a partisan election in your area, consider discussing the options/support that the party has to give. We'd be delighted to have anyone that works for our values run for office.

In Liberty,

Scott Lindlsey
Chair, LPWA


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